What’s all the to-do?
“Oh, come on Harry. All you mortals get all hung up over your precious souls. You’ve never seen your soul, never touched it, never done anything with it. What’s all the to-do?” said Bob the Skull, the spirit of intellect, to Harry Dresden, a professional Wizard.
Bob the Skull’s opinion popped up in my head yesterday when my husband told me about a friend of ours who, after reading several books and doing some hard thinking, figured out why exactly USA attacked Iraq and how exactly the bad guys are going to take a total control over everything, and forever deprive everyone of their freedom. I listened to it and thought “all we mortals get all hung up over our precious freedom. We don’t use it, don’t exercise it, don’t do anything with it. We are content to follow the rules, be raised and brought up, trained and taught. We are happy to obey society, traditions, religions, laws, regulations, media, PR specialists, marketing agencies, teachers and gurus. We do what we are told, live like we are told, anyway, so what’s all the to-do when it comes to freedom?
We get all excited and twitchy when someone suggests that our freedom could be taken away. We fear that we will lose it, we fight and kill to protect it, we write books and make speeches in praise of it and condemn those who attempt take it away and yet, when we look deeper, we may realize that freedom can not be taken away.
Freedom can not be taken away not because we already gave it away, but because freedom is what we are. Freedom is not a condition granted, a privilege, a gift, it is simply us. We don’t have it, we are it. We can not possibly lose it. In any situation, in every single moment, in every single circumstance, we are free to choose, free to decide who we are, free to choose how we relate. When we are present to who we are, when I am present as who I am, I am simply free.
I thought about Bob the Skull again today morning. A friend of mine sent me a link to a website about unusually intense solar activities, about solar storms and all the havoc they are going to play with Earth. “Oh, this is another one of those ‘we are all going to die!’ scenarios” I thought with a true, polish cynicism. What is it about humans? What is it about mortals? The world is always coming to an end, a disaster is always looming, someone always prophesies the end of all life.
We mortals get all hung up over our precious life. We hardly ever experience it, we are to busy being scared of it, trying to survive it, suffering through it, trying to protect ourselves from it, most of us never does anything with it other than spending a lot of time trying to accumulate things, so what’s all the to-do when it comes to life?
We get all excited and twitchy when someone suggests that our life could be taken away. We are terrified of losing it, terrified of life ending and yet, when we look deeper, we may realize that life can not end.
No matter what the circumstances, no matter what the situation, we can not lose life because life is what we are. Life is not a condition or a circumstance, it is not limited to our bodies staying more or less in their current shape. Life is not something that animates our ideas, opinions and thoughts, and shapes them together into a person. Life is not limited to what we think of it, life is not limited to our stories about it. Life has no end, no beginning and no limits because we have no end, no beginning and no limits, and we are life.
No matter what the circumstances, no matter what the situation, no matter the state of the physical body and no mater what story our mind tells us, or what story of who we are we have to let go of – we are who we are. We are life.
It is not possible for us to lose our freedom. It is not possible for anyone or anything to take freedom away. It is not possible for us to lose life, nor is it possible for anyone or anything to deprive us of it. There are no such things as disasters. It is not possible for anything bad to happen because no matter what happens, no matter how things change, transform, evolve, we are who we are. Life and freedom. And we don’t change.
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