
We are not alone in the universe. There are beings right here, on Earth, whose ways of relating, experiencing, is alien to us. Beings who are being in ways we can’t even conceive of. Those beings are our partners, our allies, ready to support us, willing to share their secrets. Those beings are what we call “nature”.

Growing Up

May 15, 2010

Once upon a time, when I was young, I used to wear big, heavy army boots. They kept my feet on the ground. Without them I might have floated away and become lost forever among the wooly, milky clouds.

And then I grew up.

Now I fly in the sky, in my little red slippers.

With knowledge and understanding we explain reality, with presence and awareness we create it.

We can have it all

May 4, 2010

Tuesday’s impossible idea: things that come easily and without effort are worth having, we don’t need to risk getting killed to get stronger, we don’t need privations to develop character, we don’t need to sacrifice to be good, we don’t need to suffer to appreciate happiness, we don’t need pain to grow, we don’t need frustration to change. We can have it all happily, joyously, and everything is perfect.

There is such beauty in old age. It comes with the awareness of what is trivial in life, and the freedom of not having to pretend anymore, that the trivialities are of great importance.