Impossible Ideas

May 25, 2010

My writing changes, I realized recently. How I express myself in writing changes. 70 days ago I begun to imagine impossible ideas every morning, and things shifted. Where before an idea would open and develop into a story, now a story seems to condense and distill into an idea. Where before I would write an essay – now I write a sentence or two. There are many, many impossible ideas at this point, here are some of the most recent ones:
  • What we call “an innate human nature” is simply how we choose to relate.
  • Arranging life’s details, creating an occupation, finding a place to live, organizing ways of supporting oneself, is like preparing your canvas, selecting paints, choosing brushes. Once all is ready, the painting begins.
  • There is nothing and no one that can make us be who we are … or stop us from being who we are.
  • Whether the warriors fight for light, or for darkness – as long as there are warriors, there is war.
  • When we explain an experience, understand an experience, analyze an experience, interpret an experience, judge an experience, consider an experience from different angles and look at an experience form various perspectives, there is only one thing that doesn’t change: the experience. Can we just stick to the experience and let go of all the rest?
  • I don’t need to know a definition of line, shape or contour, in order to draw it.
  • By being present as who we are we outgrow time and space. By relating as who we are, as humans, here on Earth, we outgrow life.
If you would like to see all of my impossible ideas, here they are:

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